divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011


When I will finish batxillerat I would go to the university of Barcelona (UAB) to study veterinary. The career of veterinary is five years of studies. It's a long time but I suppose it will be different of batxillerat there will not Catalan, Spanish, philosophy, sport, etc., that I don't like. When I looked at the subjects of this career I saw it was all related to biology. I thought it was fantastic because I love it, but then I saw there were also math and physic during the first year. I hate that, but in a career in science is required.
If I want to do this career I have to study hard during these two years of batxillerat because I will need high marks to entry into the university to study this. Most diffiult subjects for me are math and chemestry, so during periods of exams I have to study hard and I'm very tired.
Well, is my objective so I have to work hard to get it.

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